Here come more VAT-FREE products

GA News

1 minute read

Oct 22, 2021

Discover our range and save VAT

We’ve just added new VAT-FREE products in silver, platinum, and palladium!

After the success of our very first VAT-FREE 100 oz silver bar, we’ve now added new VAT-FREE silver, platinum, and palladium products, including monster boxes and the world-famous Lady Fortuna bar from PAMP®.

Now, you can save VAT on even more exclusive products!

How does it work:

Simply order products with a “VAT-FREE” label from our shop to have them stored in a secure Swiss Freeport – an economic area where the 8.1% Swiss VAT on precious metals does not apply.

To remain VAT-FREE, these products are only available for storage. You can resell them whenever you want directly from your GOLD AVENUE account, with 0% commission.


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