The jewel of New York Harbor, the iconic 'Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World' has symbolised freedom, compassion and opportunity to generations of peoples and cultures around the world. A classic and bestselling PAMP design.
Produits Artistiques Métaux Précieux – artistic precious metals products – better known as PAMP, is the world’s leading bullion brand, and one of the most trusted refiners and fabricators of precious metals.
In combination with assaying services, PAMP's world-renowned refining capabilities have been a leading proficiency since their inception, almost 30 years ago.PAMP processes all materials bearing gold, silver and/or platinum group metals.Prior to any refining process, PAMP undertakes stringent verification of a supplier’s legitimacy, ethics, responsible business conduct and practices, as well as the origin of material and integrity of the transportation chain.
The jewel of New York Harbor, the iconic 'Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World' has symbolised freedom, compassion and opportunity to generations of peoples and cultures around the world. A classic and bestselling PAMP design.