What are the fees and commissions when I buy, store, or sell on GOLD AVENUE?

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What are the fees and commissions when I buy, store, or sell on GOLD AVENUE?

Like any precious metals reseller, we charge a margin (also called “premium”) on each product, it's the part of the price that covers our costs and reseller's margin. This margin is already included in the prices you see in our shop. To better understand how the price of a product works, simply click on it to see a detailed breakdown.

Any product you store with us is fully insured against loss, theft, and damage, for free. Storage is also free for up to CHF10,000 in storage value, and if you want to store larger quantities, you only pay a fixed fee of CHF8/month up to CHF100,000 in storage value.

And that’s it. That’s the only fees we will charge on GOLD AVENUE.

At resale, we do not take any fee or commission and offer instant buyback, at spot price for all the products you store with us. This means that we will pay you the full market price for your product, whenever you want to sell.

You can read more about this on our storage solution page.

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