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How to open an account on GOLD AVENUE?

Creating your personal account on GOLD AVENUE takes only 2 minutes. Enter your email address, first name(s), last name, date of birth, and set up your password. That’s it. You can purchase for up to CHF15,000 right away.

To open a personal account from a computer or laptop, click "open an account" at the top right of any page on our website. From a mobile, open the top left menu and click "open an account".

You can now enter the required information and set up your password:

  • Your email address in step 1
  • Your first and last name(s) and date of birth in step 2
  • Your password in step 3

Tick the boxes to confirm that you are over 18 and accept the general terms and conditions, then click on "submit".

Congratulations! Your personal GOLD AVENUE account is open. You can buy precious metals for up to CHF15,000 of precious metals right away.